Matrix Row Operation Tool

Home Physics Tools Mathematical Tools Matrix Row Operation Tool

This simple tool will perform simple Matrix Row Operations. Enter the dimension of your matrix by giving number of rows and columns. Then click on create matrix button to create empty grid. Simply fill the cells with your values and do the Matrix Row Operations.

Matrix Row Operation
You can use this tool to do simple row multiplication, swapping selected rows, subtract/add selected rows..etc.

This video requires Flash Player 9

Matrix Row Operation Tool Help
  1. Matrix Size - Simply enters the number of Rows and Columns and then click Create Matrix button to create an empty matrix with given size.
  2. Enter Matrix Data - After creating the matrix you will see a grid with 0 values in each cell. Simply click on the cell and enter the values. Also you can use keyboard tab key to navigate through each cell.
  3. Multiply Rows – On left corner of the Matrix you will see a column with Check Boxes, simple click on the check box to select any row. Enter the value you like to multiply by in the box left to the Multiply Selected Rows button. Click on Multiply Selected Rows buttons to multiply selected rows by given number.
  4. Swap Rows - On left corner of the Matrix you will see a column with Check Boxes, simple click on the check box to select up to two rows. (If you select more than 2 rows only first selected two will be taken in to consideration.) Click on the Swap Selected Rows button to swap selected two rows.
  5. Add/Subtract Rows – Use this feature to apply multiple row operations to your matrix. For example if you want to do this operation
    Row 1 = Row2 x (1.5) - Row3 x (2.5)
    First select rows 2 and 3 by selecting the check boxes beginning of each row. Enter 1.5 in the text box located at right to the First selected row label, enter -2.5 in the text box located right to the Second elected row label, enter 1 in Update Row text box. Click on calculate button to do the row operations.