Roman Numeral Conversion with Roman Calculator and Roman Tests

Home Physics Tools Mathematical Tools Roman Numeral Conversion with Roman Calculator and Roman Tests

Roman numerals are a numeral system originating in ancient Rome, adapted from Etruscan numerals. The system used in classical antiquity was slightly modified in the Middle Ages to produce the system we use today. It is based on certain letters which are given values as numerals.

Use the following online JavaScript Tools for Roman numeral conversion, with Roman numerals calculator and Roman numerals test.

Convert Between Arabic Numbers to Roman Numbers

Please enter a number 1 - 4999 or
a Roman numeral I - MMMMCMXCIX

Roman numerals may contain M, D, C, L, X, V & I.

Roman Calculator

Valid input is I - MMMMCMXCIX (1-4999).
Results < -4999 or > 4999, or invalid Roman
input, will show error.   Press = twice to
clear.   A result of zero is shown by a dot.
Divisions are rounded to the nearest integer.

Roman Numerals Test

Please enter the equivalent of the above
numeral or number in the space below



Roman numerals use a basic set of seven symbols:
Symbol Value
I 1 (one) (unus)
V 5 (five) (quinque)
X 10 (ten) (decem)
L 50 (fifty) (quinquaginta)
C 100 (one hundred) (centum)
D 500 (five hundred) (quingenti)
M 1000 (one thousand) (mille)