Master Theory (edition 2)

Experimental and theoretical topics in relativity

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Master Theory (edition 2)

Postby Masterov » August 8th, 2011, 2:16 pm

1. Master Theory - relativistic theory, because it is the same problem ("Electrodynamics of moving material bodies"), which solved the Einstein.

2. In Master Theory time is absolutely (absent "Twin Paradox"), than it differs from Einstein's Special Relativity Theory (SRT). A transverse (to the direction of motion) scale in Einstein's theory are absolute . But this difference has profound implications. (For example: in Master Theory are absent "Twin Paradox" and "Ehrenfest's Paradox".)

3. Author of Master Theory (Alexander V. Masterov) has proved that the problem (that are solved by Einstein) has an infinite number of solutions. SRT - only one of this infinite number of solutions.

Where did these solutions?

The longitudinal scales of SRT (along the direction of motion) are relative and depends on the relative velocity, whereas (by default) are the absolute transverse (to the direction of motion) scales. The author of Master Theory are assume a regarding of the transverse scope, that let has at its disposal a free parameter. For each value this parameter to can build a individual Theory of Relativity. This theory will be equal footing with Einstein's theory.
Among this infinite number of theories discovered one in which time is absolute. The author named it - "Master Theory".

4. As Master Theory is a solution of the same problem (that Einstein's theory), then all the experimental results that confirm SRT - confirmed by Master Theory. The exception is fact of relativistic dilation time, which today has not been experimentally proved.

5. In Master Theory to exist absoluteness of:
  1. light's speed;
  2. acceleration (which can be measured indirectly through a mass attached to a spring, for example);
  3. number Image (absent "Ehrenfest's Paradox");

6. Master Theory (as against SRT) is valid in all reference frames (not only in inertial).

7. In Master Theory identified two types of coordinates: real and visible:
  1. real-coordinates obey the Galilean Transformations, and can be calculated by integrating an acceleration;
  2. visual-coordinates determined by the properties of EMF and can be calculated from a real-coordinates;
  3. in Master Theory defined the inverse transformations coordinates (from a visual-coordinates to a real-coordinates).
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Postby Masterov » August 8th, 2011, 2:18 pm

Master Theory (edition 2)

Consider a light clock with a pair of vertical mirrors (one on our left, the other - on the right) and a beam of photons between them:

Image - distance between the mirrors


Image - period of the clock:

Now let the observer move with a speed (right to left and back) (Image). The clock (in observer's frame) will move as follows:




Because the speed of light in all a inertial reference frames (IRF) is invariable, then (from the viewpoint of an observer) time of flight of the photon beam from mirror to mirror in different directions will be different, inasmuch as moving in one direction - move opposite to the mirror (flight time is lesser), а moving in the opposite direction - will in pursuit of mirror (flight time is bigger). Total time (there and back) are changing:

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Postby Masterov » August 8th, 2011, 2:19 pm

How can this be?
This is so indeed: the clock nothing to do with the observer do not have. Any properties of the clock can not depend of acrobatic exercises of the observer. Conclusion: a visual-distance between the mirrors changes:



The longitudinal scale is clear. We proceed to investigate the cross-scale. For this we consider the light clock with a pair of horizontal mirrors (one - from the bottom, the other - from the top):


Again: Image and the observer move.




Light will travel long distances over the same time. But light can not move faster "light's speed". Again we change a visual-distance between the mirrors changes:


From the Pythagorean theorem follows:








All theories:

For Image a result is Einstein's Theory of Relativity.

For Image a result is Master Theory.

For each of the intermediate values (Image) we can construct theories have, and each of the which (infinitely many) will have as much right to exist as the SRT. But only in the case - time is absolutely, therefore only Master Theory can claim the right to approximate the property of space and time. All other theories (including SRT) - false.
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Postby Masterov » September 8th, 2011, 6:27 pm

I came to the forum not in order to my a knowledges demonstrate, but in order to get answers to questions.
I'm looking for a professional who understands the relativism and can answer the question: Einstein bestowed the absoluteness to the cross-scale (but not for time) - on what basis?

Einstein had entitled (bestowed the absoluteness to time), but no did it.

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Joined: September 14th, 2010, 9:40 am

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